
Re-Design of page, new topic

Hi there, once more, I am back again. I re-organized this personal blog and I am trying to write some more about my recent favored topics, such as old books. I am buying a lot of old, antique books, and I want to make this as a personal blog about old books that I am going to discuss. On my website ““, I have a list of my old books, that I already bought and listed. Some of them are already digitized. Take a closer look, if you like at *** ALTES-BUCH.DE ***, where you can find my inventory. New purchased books will be added here ASAP.

I take a short break…

Current things turn out to get out of hand… More and more tourists come to Germany, our government does not seem to have a proper solution for it, society is split in either “Wutbürger” or “Gutmenschen”. I see myself somehow in the direction of “Wutbürger” whereas, I cannot blame others for my bad personal situation. But society prefers to help others, instead of helping me.

Therefore, I take a short break in writing comments of current events, until both my personal situation and refugee crisis improves.

Why I write this Blog

A lot of things happen every day. Some are reported in the news. I am not investigating things at my own, I only comment events I heard in the news, and write what I think of them. I want to make my readers aware of building their own opinion of what is written, spoken and shown in media. I am not forcing my opinion to be the only valid one, but I love to discuss with my friends.

Therefore, I invite my readers to take part in discussions in that Blog. And comments in different branches are welcome at any stage.

Color of Blog

Some friends told me today that the color choice of this blog is bad, because there is no good contrast between background and written text. Actually, I think it works well. My laptop makes a good contrast. I wanted to deal with some golden effects, according to the domain. I tried real hard to get a good result that works well with all different screens, because none is equal to the other. My cell shows more green than my laptop does, for example. My laptop shows a good taste of gold while the blog is displayed.

Any suggestions? Please, let them be constructive in some way. Saying “There is no contrast, you have to change colors.” doesn’t work well. Say, HOW.

First post

Now, the blog is on…

Today, Wednesday, February 18th, 2015, I updated my WordPress Site. Now, I want to write a blog. I retire from writing comments in Facebook, because I don’t want my life to be tracked in all ways. Here, I am able to decide, what I write, delete, add, etc.

Under section “Actual topics” you can find “Latest news” about what I am doing, and “Recent discussions”, where I write topics, that I like to focus on, that are interesting in my point of view.