A comment that is replete of mistakes. First, if there is a basic income, everyone can decide whether he wants to go to work, or if he needs to (if he wants to maintain or improve his standard of living). Therefore, you can not say that this is bad. Then: If the basic income amounted to 1,000 euros, as are the 80 million citizens and not one trillion, but just the 800 billion tax income. Well, ok, if you take the administrative costs, let it be one trillion. What you have to take into account is the social spending that disappear then (incl. Administrative burden which is required nowadays) are representing a well at least as high reduction in expenses a the tax income is. The advantage of a minimum income is that everyone can take those private insurances with the money, which he perfers most. A responsible citizen should definitely be able to decide that by himself.
I wanted to take a short break, because I am tired of writing about refugees and so on, but what I read made me think (and does not deal with these topics)…
Oxfam, a NGO, reported that almost half of the world’s wealth is in the hands of 62 persons. These 62 persons are holding as much wealth as the 3.6 billion poorest people. Quite unsatisfying, if you aren’t amongst these 62… Former trends showed that there is going to be a 80:20-society. 20% of all of the world’s citizens are said to take an active part in world’s economy,80% are poor. These 20% are said to own 80% of the world’s wealth. This was a scenery, that was created by economists in the last millenium. Meanwhile, I think, this scenery came true.
Once, I commented that Islamic Religion now lives a time Christians had 600 years ago… The age of Cruzades… But there is a slight difference between these two happenings: Christian religion had its origin in Mesopotamia, the “holy land”. Islamists are only there to conquer the whole world without any connections to the region they enter. And that is why ISLAM IS NO PEACEFUL RELIGION.
Today, chairman of “Bundespolizei”, german federal police, rejected responsibility for the disaster of Cologne at New Year’s Eve. He mentioned, that he lacks of manpower, because most of the federal policemen were ordered to protect the borders. Yes, again, responsibility of Merkel… She rejected the offer of Horst Seehofer, that state policemen of Bavaria should help federal policemen to protect the border to Austria.
I wonder, what vote I should take the next election. In Bavaria, you could vote for CSU, because they are the only party that makes suggestions to solve this refugee crisis. Their brother party for the rest of Germany, Merkel’s CDU reject all of the offers, and doing nothing. Unfortunately, a vote for CSU in Bavaria is a vote for CDU in Germany.
Now, policemen denied the presentation of their chairmen, that the identity of these persons committing those acts are unclear. They reported, that investigations took place, and that most of the investigated persons were refugees coming from Syria. And they further reported that some have been arrested, and contradicted the reports of their own chairmen. And, most of these persons were out for rape, and not for robbery.
Learning more about this is not easy. German media most hold back this news. I found an article about it at “Welt online”: “Die meisten waren frisch eingereiste Asylbewerber” [DE], translation: Most of them were fresh immigrated Asylum seekers.
Today, I came back from my skiing holiday in Austria. Unfortunately, this skiing holiday was one without any skiing at all, due to less snow.
But what I heard from my hometown in New Year’s eve made my horror come true. Terrorism arrived in my hometown. A terror warning threatened two train stations in Munich. I don’t need any of it here in my own town. Go home.
Everyone, saying, that, amongst those refugees only a few individuals come to strike Germany with terrorist attacks makes me really angry. I say: Amongst those refugees, only a few individuals come, because they are persecuted or threatened by terror in their home countries.
I hope, that one day, those nasty white U.S: policemen will get what they deserve. Unfortunately, this day is not now. Again, acquittal… I lost words for that: Keine Anklage gegen Polizisten, der Zwölfjährigen erschoss [DE], Translation: No charges against police officer who shot twelve year old.
After German party AfD got rid of their founder Bernd Lucke, this party moved their attitude from “tolerable” to “not acceptable” right. This party had a lot of fund raising activities, e.g. selling gold to supporters.
Yet, another party, called “Die Partei” made a strange calling… Süddeutsche reported: Wie die AfD pleite gespendet werden soll [DE], translation: How AfD should be donated bankrupt.
It was an assumption, that amongst these refugees coming to Germany, there might be a couple of terrorists, as well. Yet, this assumption seems to come true. Focus reported: Paris-Attentäter als Flüchtling in Bayern registriert? BKA geht Hinweis nach [DE], translation: Paris-suicide-bombers registered as refugee in Bavaria? BKA investigates.
I hope that some day, those gooders, never assuming someone could ever act bad, learn, that not all of these people coming to Germany need help, and that not all of them come in peace. But fools never learn…
Well, actually, police is said to be blind “with their right eye” [maybe, this is a German idiom, that doesn’t really exist in English; it means: Police only focus on crime amongst political left wing parties].
I have to mention, what actually I posted under “Sports and events”-section, but yet, this topic has taken a dimension, which causes to take a closer look under that chapter of my blog.
Because of that, I have to thank all our intelligence, that this did not happen. I hope, that anyone recognizes now, that this “IS” means a security issue for the entire world. Those, who still say, that Islam is a peaceful religion have not quite understood the seriousness of this situation.
Oh, god, please throw brain out of heaven, or at least stones… Whatever… As long as you hit this guy… I could not believe, what i heard in “Heute” (news magazine of German TV station “ZDF”).
Martin Schäfer, spokesman of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, German Secretary of State, said, concerning German tank delivery to Qatar:
So ein Panzer ist ja nicht wie ein Kühlschrank, wo man den Stecker vom Kühlschrank in die Steckdose steckt und schon läuft der Kühlschrank. Sondern das sind hochdifferenzierte Produkte, die ein optimales Zusammenspiel zwischen Mensch und Maschine erforderlich machen.
Translation (in my words): “A tank like this is not like a fridge, where you can simply plug in, and the fridge runs. But these are highly differentialized products, that require an optimalized interaction between human being and machines.”
Data retention is now allowed, according to a law, that legislative of Germany made today. I see that with two different eyes: On one hand, it is necessary to investigate against criminals, whose number and intensity gets bigger and bigger, on the other hand it is a huge invasion of privacy. But anyone, who shares something online must be aware, that his data is no longer private. Privacy and public are blurring more and more.
A balance sheet posted at SZ online showed, that Baden-Württemberg really does not at all accept as many refugees as they are supposed to do, after “Königssteiner Schlüssel”. Source: SZ online: Flüchtlinge – Lasten und Listen [DE], translation: refugees – loads and lists.
Dear citizens of Baden-Württemberg, that is not the way it works… A government runned by the party “die Grünen”, the party that strictly refuses any sanctions against refugees coming to Germany.
Now, I must admit, I understand CSU that they want to force a strict line against this crisis. But yet, our chancelloress Merkel does nothing against it. I support CSU to bring the federal government to Supreme Court.
European Supreme Court made a decision concerning data of European citizens in the USA. Data in the USA are no more “sure by definition” (“safe harbor treaty”). Good decision, because NSA and other secret services showed, that this “sure by definition” does not match reality. Every citizen has got the right of protection of personal data, according to “EU civil rights carta”.
Everybody agrees, that something has to happen in case of refugees coming to Germany. But what ever one political party suggests, the other party is rejecting. So, nothing will ever happen. But I guess, that’s politics… :-(.
EU now launched investigations against 19 (!!!) member countries, e.g. Germany, France, Italy and Hungary because of the refugee crisis. All in all, 40 cases of possible law breaking are about to be investigated. At least, someone now deals with that problem. But in my eyes a very dangerous situation to name Germany amongst those, not willing to accept any refugees at all (e.g. England, Hungary etc.). We do more than we need to help those. And more than we should, hence there are many homeless and poor Germans, that no one really cares about.
Today, the news occured, that EuGH (European Supreme Court) judged about German Hartz IV. The court decision was quite reasonable: They said that Germany does not need to pay Hartz IV to foreign EU citizens. After six months, they can cancel payment. Works well for me. In my eyes, otherwise, a lot of ecomomic refugees would come to Germany, even more than now… Yet, the incentive is removed to start moving to Germany… *THUMBS UP*. If our politicians now start understanding, that our payment to refugees does not solve the problem itself, but even makes it worse, then, a lot would have been won. But I guess, they never will…
Now, politicians of “Grüne” said, that they dislike that decision. If anyone came to Germany to look for help, then you should not refuse to help him… Well, dear Grüne… Why doesn’t anyone help me? I paid in all social insurances, and don’t get ANY money out of it… So f**k off… Sometimes, you need to mention the quote of young Mehmet Scholl, being asked about his political attitude. I don’t quote that one here… It might be a crime to do that… Nevertheless, I feel like it sometimes…
Yesterday, a court stopped labor strike of pilot’s labor union, called “Cockpit”. The court said, that the strike was illegal, because cockpit forced things, that did not match collective bargaining. Nice decision. *THUMBS UP*.
Today, I read an interesting article… A comparison between the current refugee crisis and migration to the United States within 17th and 18th, or even 19th century. The author mentions, that the U.S. could easily handle those refugees coming to America in these centuries so that we should be able to do that, as well. But what was not mentioned in this article: The original residents of Northern America NOW LIVE IN RESERVATION CAMPS!!! Food for thought…
Again, a topic about the refugee crisis: Katrin Göring-Eckardt, a politician from German party “die Grünen” strongly recommends, that private persons should host refugees at their homes. All in all, no bad idea, at all. But what annoys me is the fact, that politicians want to bring others to do things, that they would never do for themselves. My suggestion to Ms. Göring-Eckart: please host two or three refugees first, before making advices to others to do this. Preaching water and drinking wine for one’s self does not fit at all. Especially, if you are the daughter of a priest…
Tagesschau, Germany’s most famous TV news show usually lasts 15 minutes. Today, it was two minutes longer. But 14 minutes focused on the current refugee crisis. Pretty tough… Then, the last three minutes consisted of one minute of weather forecast, one minute about IS destroying ancient temples and one minute of Obama, about… whatever…
I could hardly believe, what I just saw… While zepping around through german TV stations, a commercial spot of German “Arbeitsagentur” (employment agency) was shown. Wow, now I wonder… I can’t get any claims for social aid, because of my financial situation, but instead, they are able to spend money for commercials… That’s German bureaucracy… :-(. Now, I am starting to understand people running berserk… This corrupt, inefficient, unjust bureaucracy really drives you mad…
Freedom of speech has got a high value of modern society… Unfortunately, several countries do not really appreciate that. Some never did, some now do not any more. Russia now has condemned a movie director from Ukraine to 20 years of criminal bearing. Anyway, usually, the Ukraine would be in charge of bringing him to court, because the committed crime was in the Ukraine, and he is a ukrainian citizen. Now, nevertheless, Russia removed a political critic, once again… Maybe, one day, I will be judged in Russia, as well, for my critical comments… 🙁
Another sad topic… Right wing extremists. Heidenau, a small city in Saxony, eastern Germany, became a cruel example for xenophobia. These racist fools attacked refugees and prevented them to move in their new camp. Their argument: Money would lack for pensioners, families and unemployed persons. When political decisions were made, they showed no protest:
1) in 2003: Installation of Hartz-IV-laws: NO REACTION…
2) in 2007: 30 billion Euro for Bank Rescue: NO REACTION…
3) in 2010: no raise of penions: NO REACTION…
and now: 250 refugees who should live in their town: A foolish hord of racists say: money would lack for pensioners, families and unemployed people…
What kind of double standards… I feel quite ashamed…
Now, after Sigmar Gabriel from SPD visited that location, his party was attacked from racists… Bomb threat at their seat in Berlin. What kind of democracy is this? Please hunt these racists, and bring them to justice. I want to live in a land of harmony, not in a land of social riots. Unfortunately, we need police and state security to protect us from these idiots. If they argue, that they want democracy, real democracy, I have to tell them: FIRST, OBEY THE LAW, THEN THINK OF DEMOCRACY. Attacking racists and our own government is NO DEMOCRACY AT ALL.
Again: Terrorists of IS have blown-up an ancient temple in Palmyra, Syria. Yet, again: Islam is NOT a peaceful religion. As Bush mentioned correctly: “We make no distiction between these, who committed these acts, and those, who hord with them!”… That’s what I think, too.
I don’t have many readers of that Blog, I don’t mind… At least, I am sure, that one is reading my comments: NSA… Today, a news went out, that American telecommunication giant AT&T and NSA were partners… AT&T delivered lots of data from Mails and phone calls (billions of them each day) to the spys of NSA… Of course, no American Citizen was spyed out… only foreigners… Even United Nations, a large AT&T client…
Now, very interesting, reading my Blog, isn’t it, dear NSA???
Today’s news gave me the feeling of being unsecure in my life, wherever I go. In Germany, three threats today made me think that way.
First incident: An idiot shot at the team bus of Hertha BSC in Bielefeld. Really shot at it… Why? I had a discussion, if that person is amongst the supporters of the opponent of Herthas cup games opponent Arminia Bielefeld. Of course, no one can say for sure, unless they found that guy.
Second incident: A 32-year-old man pointed out non smoking in Munich local trains, and therefore he was hit and injured… Just for pointing out…
Third incident: A woman was shot right on the street in a small village in the district of Niederbayern. A 62-year-old-man was caught and convicted, but no details occured at that point.
I thought, I am living in a modern age society, in a moderate country, but, in my eyes, that sounds more like living in a country with civil war, or dictatorship. It makes me feel unprotected, I am not able to go out and feel secure any more… Right in Germany. Call me paranoid, whatever…
I had several discussions: People are not able to keep social rules, laws, and so on, any more. They really lack of authority. They have not had a proper education. They live under bad social conditions, media makes them aggressive, they let oneself go… and so on… Not my world any more… 🙁
Forth incident: Cup match of VfL Osnabrück suspended after referee hit and injured by a lighter out of Osnabrück supporters’ area. (usually mentioned in Sports and Event section).
Democracy is a very good instrument, if it works correctly. But, what Kauder, chairman of his party in Bundestag, now stated, was a severe strike against modern democracy. He said, that those, who voted against financial aid for Greece are not able to be in commitees in charge of deciding things on a financial basis. The quote itself: “Diejenigen, die mit Nein gestimmt haben, können nicht in Ausschüssen bleiben, in denen es darauf ankommt, die Mehrheit zu behalten: etwa im Haushalts- oder Europaausschuss” [DE]. That shows, what CDU politicians think of democracy. I wonder, no, I think, that all other parties really think the same, but, at least, they are not so foolish to admit it.
No news at all… The opening of Berlin Airport BER is about to be postponed. The reason for this postpone is a bankruptcy of the leading electronic enterprise. Yes, those in charge for installing fire protection equipment.
I don’t like to comment presidential run of Donald Trump… What a clown… A self-loving, arrogant person with radical points of view… Quite suitable for a presidency. No, I don’t like the U.S. any more…
Prosecution have started investigations against a news agency called “Netzpolitik.org”, because they were convicted of treason. The outcry was great… They criticized the prosecution, that they want to undermine press freedom… Now, attorney general Range was fired because of that affair.
Netzpolitik.org now wants clear investigations, who is responsible for this investigation. They say, that Range, the attorney general was the right one to be fired, but not only the one, who was in charge for this.
Politicians now have got a new “Bauernopfer” for a case, they cannot handle. Investigations against secret services spying several politicians were not really started, although the reason was given to start them, but the first media to deal with that were convicted of treason… What a nice politics…
Deutsche Bahn now announced that they cannot guarantee, that they can keep all their staff because of their loss in gain. Now, Spoiler: What caused the loss in gain? Of course, the growing competion by bus enterprises… but not only… The long-lasting labour strikes caused the loss in gain, as well. Now, GdL has achieved their goal. Please fire the most-willing-to-strike people first. Thank you.
I don’t write the reason for this comment, because I might be blamed for something I am not willing to be blamed for.
Social security system is a quite good institution. It prevents people who got into serious trouble from ruin. But it requires that everybody has to pay for the system, in order to get money in case of trouble. Getting money out of it without having paid any Cent in that system should not be possible. Like any insurance, for example. You say: It’s always like that. No, it is not. 🙁
Now, it is about on you, to guess, what I want to say…
A few minutes ago I lauched a comment on a student, who brought another kid to court for his “childish” behavior to pull away his chair (c.f. “general topics”-section).
Now, I comment on another childish behavior… The behavior of Turks starting to hunt Kurds again. How childish to terminate peace with Kurds, after the peace process was on a quite good way. With the excuse of hunting criminals, a whole tribe is persecuted again. I hope that the Turks will be outlawed for this behavior by international community.
Not many things were written the last days, because it is kind of “Sommerloch” right now. But what happened in the case NSU (Beate Tzschäpe) is worth mentioning.
Beate Zschäpe accused her lawyers, because they did not keep confidentiality. By the way… this case runs from Nov. 8th, 2011 till now… It is her case… She only plays on time. I hope, that judges start to get angry with her ASAP. She is fooling the court for almost four years now… The crimes she convicted with her friends were much faster. There, she was not so squeamish. Send her to prison for a lifetime NOW…
I have not written much about “Grexit”, if I have written anything about it, at all… A slovenly joke about Greece says: “For years, we believed, that Ouzo at a greek restaurant would be free. But now, we get the bill for it: EUR zyx,000,000,000.–” :-D.
Ok, hard stuff, that Greece now asks their people, wether to stay at the Euro zone, or not… In my opinion a very close decision. That, of course, does not make it easy for politicians of other European countries. In my eyes, the whole matter is a farce. Banks, like Lehman brothers, with a far much higher debt, dropped… But world goes on… But, on the other hand: What about Greece itself? What happens after a “Grexit”? Will they be able to install a new social system? I have never had a hyper-inflation in my life, but our ancestors made the experience. They re-built a financial system. Maybe, that is the only chance for Greece now.
Not quite confirmed yet, but news is mounting that greece people voted against the demands of their creditors. Hard stuff… Greek government have now achieved their goals. But: what then? Now, they are so bold, to say, that they want to negotiate again with their creditors. WTF? In my point of view, I would never lend them any money again. Not a single Cent, until they have paid back ALL what I already lent them.
But yet, we still pay for the luxury of Greek people, and probably will do that again, as if nothing has happened. I ask myself: WHY? Dear European politicians: Please awake from your deep sleep and stop supporting Greece. Spend that money for YOUR OWN PEOPLE instead!!!! Thank you!
According to a newsticker, Greek people is seperated between generations: The older people voted “YES”, the younger “NO”. Poor thing, that this is democracy, that young people, both lacking in education and responsibility, can decide on such an important question. Maybe, it had a reason, that, in former times, you could only vote at the age of 21.
A German politician of party “Die Grünen”, Reinhard Bütikofer, now demands a debt relief for Greece… That is all, Tsipras wants now… How dumb can a politician be? Maybe I should quote young Mehmet Scholl on that…
A very much discussed topic, a useful thing in my opinion, basic income, is now about to be tested in Finland. The advantages of a basic income, that everyone gets, are:
1) No further social benefits are needed (e.g. unemployment benefits).
If everyone gets a basic income from the state, no other social benefits, no individual treatment is required. This basic income should be high enough for everyone to survive. If someone wants to live a luxury life, then, one might get some work to earn more money. Higher education standard earns more money, as it was before.
2) Everyone can decide, what insurances one might need according to his personal requirements.
Insurances of all kinds should be voluntarily. Everyone should insure himself the way he thinks is most suitable for him. For example, one working in a high-risk job must insure himself against disability.
3) Far less bureaucracy is required.
Social security offices can be closed, because everyone gets basic income, unconditionalized. No examination is required any more.
All in all, I can only see advantages… The one, who wants to live a lazy way of life, can survive from that without any luxury, one who wants luxury requires to get a job to match his personal needs.
A highlight from Bavarian state government. The political party of CSU, always a supporter of nuclear power, now refuses to accept, that a atomic interim storage should be installed in Bavaria. Bavaria, itself Germany’s largest user of nuclear power and therefore largest producer of nuclear waste doesn’t want to have their own product stored in their country.
It is easy to say, that nuclear power is the most efficient way to produce energy, dear CSU, as long as you don’t mention the costs for the disposal of that waste. Absolutely ridiculous what you do there, CSU. Unfortunately, this party still has got a large majority in Bavaria. Again, it confirms my opinion, that politicians can’t think in a reasonable way. Maybe, some day, I find one who can… But that day has not yet come.
German car toll is stopped because of concerns of European Commission. They say, that german model prefers Germans… Of course, German minister of traffic was not the wisest one to mention, that, for German citizens nothing would change. But yet, I wonder… Many states with car toll, like Austria, Switzerland, Italy and many more have a far less tax load for their citizens. The status quo in Germany is, that ONLY GERMANS finance the streets with car tax and mineral oil tax. In other european countries, everybody pays for it, because of car tolls for everyone… And: less tax load than in Germany for their own citizens.
Therefore, I cannot quite get the point of worries of European Commission for Germany to lower their car taxes. Every country raising car toll does it that way… for quite a long time…
But, as always, I doubt, that politicians ever think in a quite understandable, comprehensible way… They never will… 🙁
Hackers attacked german Bundestag. Recent news stated, that chancellor Merkel’s computer was infected, too. This attack seemed to be a professional one. Conjectures say, that, maybe, this attack was committed by a foreign security service. Maybe Russia, maybe China… These countries really are a severe threat for global peace.
Otherwise, if criminals committed this act, then our government really has a severe security problem. They need to take better care of their system, because these data really are case sensitive…
This blog showed some foreign activitiy, too, but as it seems, the attack could be repelled.
These criminals really need to be persecuted… and… executed… Why? Because they work under the anonymity of the Internet to harm others.
It is not quite certain yet, but most likely, that there are two relatives of former presidents to be elected as next president of the United States of America. Jeb Bush would be the third (!!!) president out of his family, and Hillary Clinton is the wife of former president William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton. I wonder, what politics that is, that relatives get such a high position, as well. It is like in Medieval times…
Angela Merkel has got a Ph.D.-degree. That states, she is able to think… At least she should be able to. But her announcement made me think from her differently. She told, that she needed permission from US secret service FBI to be able to pass documents from german secret service BND to committee of inquiry. WTF? Why does a GERMAN chancellor need the permission of US secret service to pass documents to GERMAN committee of inquiry? Strange… Maybe, our “mother of our nation” thinks, we aren’t able to think of our own…
At the moment, the biggest labour strike in history of Deutsche Bahn is held. My lovely “friends” from labour union GdL are on strike again. They want to strike a whole week. But Deutsche Bahn announced, that more trains than expected are running. Fortunately, it seems like the workers of GdL get tired of striking all the time. No one thinking clearly can ever understand, that GdL refuses to accept a strike mediation. Those of you, thinking clearly, understand, that GdL doesn’t want to make an agreement on both sides, but only to force its own will. Like a toddler. I think, their chairman, Weselsky really is one. And blames on Deutsche Bahn to play for time.
Once more… Another labour strike from GdL, now finished… But that doesn’t mean, everything working well… Yet, the other union, EVG, announced a labour strike. We are still waiting for politicians to act in a sense that works well. Please change the law IMMIDIATELY.
By the way, I think I should go on strike. But I am still looking for a reason… 😀 .
Today, investigations prevented us from a terroristic act in Frankfurt/Main. A couple bought large amounts of hydrogen peroxide and spirit. That made them suspicious. Investigating their appartment, police found a bomb. Prosecution is about to give a press conference. Now they are investigating the background of this planned terroristic act. To my opinion, another planned act of radical muslims.
And: to all of you, who don’t see any need for personal investigation: Again: If everyone would keep law and order, no investigation would be necessary. But more and more don’t keep it, and so, more and more control is required.
I have to make an amendment to this comment. Control is necessary to prevent us from terroristic acts. But what makes me think is, that these collected data were passed from secret services to companies of “national interest”, i.e. Google, Facebook, and so on. If these data were just used for preventing crime, everything would work well. But NSA passes this data to these enterprises, that track commercial interests. They want to get a personal profile of us, so that we can be delivered with personalized adverts. I cannot even stop personalized advertising, because these data are collected anyway.
In an earlier comment [read], I already talked about the issue of BND passing data to NSA. Yet, politicians are not even willing to do anything agaist it, but they track the idea of following these commercial interests, as well. Perhaps, their income is less than the money they get to be bribed by these enterprises.
Again, an NSA discussion. German politicians have apparently been informed about NSA activities. But they denied at an inquiry of opposition, that they knew. In fact a LIE. De Maizière, german home secretary, stated in an interview, that he cannot say anything, because the documents are secret or strictly secret. But at the commitee of inquiry he now has to answer uncomfortable questions. Honour and truth are foreign words for politicians. Poor thing…
Today, a court decision is about to be spoken. A young German-Turk is said to support a criminal organisation. The prosecution requested three years in juvenile detention, the defense two years probation. Their argument for probation is quite interesting: They say: “Those, who seriously believe in 72 virgins can’t be grown-up, and therefore, can’t be judged by adult penalty.” – Quite good, that one… That states, that ALL radical islamics aren’t grown up. Good to know. 🙂
Another sad case that came to public two days ago: Investigations showed, that U.S. secret service, F.B.I. made mistakes in investigations of hair analysis that falsely caused the death of more than 30 prisoners. Death penalty opponents’ fear came true in a quite horrific way. I am pro death penalty, but for that, I lack of words. Those responsible for that case should be sent to death, as well.
100 percent? WTF… Now, I know that the number of criminals amongst society is no longer a small proportion not worth mentioning, but yet an upcoming problem of society that must not be ignored. Therefore, controls are necessary. Sad, but true.
The question is: what the definition of “sexual harassment” is… Maybe, some of these women felt sexually harassed, if a man took a closer look on her… I would never blandish sexual harassment, but a closer definition, what that exactly is, is required to take such a survey.
“Tagesschau” reported, that researches of a consortium of “NDR”, “WDR” and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” investigated large violations of human rights that world bank committed while supporting large projects. Many people lost their homes because world bank enabled large building projects that required building plot in 3rd world countries. Incredible… I hope, that Germany, one of the largest donators of money for world bank will force a stricter law to prohibit forced resettlements.
I live in a suburb of Munich, that has a small residential density. Yet, Munich grows and grows. Our suburb changes a lot. Many single-family homes are demolished, and semi-detached houses or even more are built on that ground instead. In 2030, they say, Munich will have more than 1.7 million residents. I wonder, if that is necessary… Why does everyone want to live in Munich, instead of the surrounding (which starts not more than 500m footway away from my home)? Maybe, some more local communities should join Munich…
When my grandmother was born, the house, I now live in, was not a part of Munich itself. It was part of Trudering. Trudering joined Munich in 1932.
Difficult, because everyone wants to live in Munich, and no one wants to pay the prices of properties of Munich.
Not very often, that a news is positive, but this one is: After more than fifty years of cold war presidents of Cuba and the United States talked with each other, and took a handshake. A small but hopeful gesture. You know, I want a peaceful world, with no crime… This is a sign, that a step towards that is made. Political approach of these two hostile countries. I hope, that this way will be followed. I LIKE !!!!
Now, again, a case, that really worries me: Tröglitz, a small town in Eastern Germany. The mayor had to retire, because racists threatened him. He wanted a refugee-camp in his town. Right-wing parties made a lot of protests, and these were not peaceful at all… The mayor’s family received death threats. What a living “democracy”… I hope, that this time, NPD, a political right-wing party, will be prohibited. Poor “democracy” that more and more supporters join these parties. But, on the other hand, a sign, that the real democratic parties failed in their poltics. Government is sleeping, was sleeping, and will be sleeping… 🙁
A few days old, but still a heavy topic in newspapers: A video showing the killing, or let me say: the assassination of a black criminal running away from a police officer. About six shots were fired at the black person, who was unarmed. Not the first unarmed black person, that was killed by a white officer… The punishments, all in all, were quite soft, if they even got punished at all.
They say, that racism ended, but I see that in a different light. I hope that this time, a example will be statuated, and this officer will be sent to death. He even tried to cover his murder. He dropped the teaser near the dead body and wrote in his report, that he acted in self-defence, because the black guy took the teaser from him… Not the only lie he stated. But fortunately, everything was filmed on a mobile phone video, so that the truth came out. If the video wasn’t made, no one would ever recognize the lies and the murder the policeman committed. SEND HIM TO DEATH !!!
An assassination was convicted at a University in Kenya… Islamic terrorists killed more than 100 christian students. I still hear islamic people say: “We’re a peaceful religion!”… Of course you are… F**k off!!!
After a long term of not posting in this branch, something new… German Bundeswehr has got severe problems concerning precision of their leading gun (G36 by Heckler und Koch). They made tests showing that the precision of that gun doesn’t match requirements. While getting hot, it is not precise enough…
Today, I heard incredible news: The precision was cancelled out of the requirements the guns had during the announcement for companies… Therefore, a damage claim cannot be made. Oh god, why is there no precision required for a gun? Should it only make some noise while firing a shot? Ok, someone might say: for German Bundeswehr, it is good enough, hence they are only a drinking club. But their job is to defend… with guns that need not be precise. Nice job, dear politicians…
Democracy has got a high value in society and should be installed everywhere. But what happens now in Frankfurt is NOT democracy AT ALL. Riots of authonomic “Blockupy” movement because of new ECB (European Central Bank). Police cars were set on fire, policemen were injured… What theses fools do is NOT democracy but stupid crime. I hope that police treats them as hard as they need it… Very hard punishment is required.
Protests are part of democracy, but riots AREN’T. They want to have social freedom and want to achieve that goal through committing riots? These stupid idiots.
Quite strange, the demands of Greece’s minister of finance, Yanis Varoufakis: He wants Germany to pay reparations for german war crimes during WWII… SPOILER: What did I personally commit so that I have to pay reparations? But Greece lend money from European countries. Now, they don’t want to pay back their money. Maybe, Greece’s government should show, how they save money, instead of demanding ridiculous payments from German people. Taking money is easy, paying back the depts is not quite that easy… But I ask myself, why we passed money to Greece anyway. Makes me quite angry…
Because he is a politician, I post this comment in the political chapter. Sebastian Edathy is not convicted after admitting a real crime, that should be punished to my point of view. How come, that a tax evader is punished with a very long imprisonment, and a child pornographer can be a free man, after paying 5,000 Euro? Poor german rule of law. Very poor…
New development in case Edathy. He should spend his 5,000 Euro to “Kinderschutzbund”. But that NGO refused to accept the money from him. They don’t want to give the impression, that it is possible to buy oneself free from crimes convicted against children. They advised the court to find another solution. What an honorable decision not to take the money. That deserves my deep respect.
According to Bundestagspräsident Lammert, imams in Germany should speak German. I think a good decision. It is part of OUR culture to speak German in common places.
Bremen… a town very far from Munich, but what happened today really made me frighten. Islamic terrorists were hunted by police. The investigations led to an arrest of one person, as told by police. Terrorists, first fighting in Arab countries for “IS”, returning to Germany, willing to kill other people. That gives me a feeling of insecurity in my own country. I am no racist at all, but people telling me, that Islam was a peaceful religion, makes me feel like answering them: “…as peaceful as christians were during crusades.”. What islamic people now do is like christians did during crusades some 600 years ago. Unfortunately, islamic people can use modern age technology to terrorize us.
I hope, that our people is aware of what happens to our society. And, I hope that police and civil guards can give back the feeling of security to me, again. But at the moment, they can’t.
Oh, yes, it is political… The murder of Kreml-critic Nemzov. Best quote delivered a passerby in German ARD. “Although it was not Putin, who committed this murder, the responsible can be found in Kreml.”. Putin, hypocritical as aways, assured rapid resolution of that case… In fact, nothing is going to happen, of course. What should happen? Should he punish himself for hiring a killer for Nemzov? Nemzov is not the first, and won’t be the last Kreml-critic dying a murder in Russia. Unfortunately, russian people don’t see the dictatorship in which they live in.
I really fear Russia to become like Germany before WW2. Tendency already shows similarities… Poor thing, that russian people seem like they haven’t learned from history.
Again a current threat of NSA… Hacking SIM-Cards in favor for “National Security”. WTF? Why am I a risk for U.S. national security? Dear NSA… I am sure, you read what I am writing here. Could you tell me, why? What did I do wrong? Please hunt criminals, not innocent people.
A neverending story: Finances of Greece. Nice try, the trial to get money without any quid pro quo’s. In Greece, pension age is at the same level like Germany, at the age of 65 (source of information: T-Online [de]), but the real average is less than ours. But that’s not the only problem: the fact that Greece spent billions of Euro to dead people made situation even worse. Sources differ in the fact, how much: Spiegel mentions 5 billion, Krone (austrian newspaper) 8 billion.
Greece’s new government should stop trying to fool european union. EU spent lots of money for greece’s corrupt, bancrupt financial system. At first glance, I thought positive about the new government, but now, I fear, they do nothing except of trying to get money without having any commitments.
New statistics: 12.5 Mio people in Germany are poor by definition. That equals a quota of 15.5%. Quite a lot of people. According to the definition of “Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband” you are poor, if your income is less than 892 Eur, if you live in a single-person household. Bavaria made it to the top position: “only” 11.3% are poor by definition. Yet, still a lot of people. Nevertheless, we spend a lot of money for people who dream of a better life, instead of spending money to OUR people. Poor politcs…
Russian seperatists conquered Debaltseve. What a nice success within a cease-fire. It is hard to make the comparison, but what Putin does, has got similarities to what Hitler did, before WW2. Conquering a sovereign state, because citizens of his country live there.
Not again: Labor strike at “Deutsche Bahn”. The labor union of train drivers (GdL) announced labor strikes with a duration of 100 hours (more than four days).
Now, I strongly ask politicians to act. PLEASE change the tariff act, so that it is not possible any more, that two unions are able to force one single company in two different negotiations to two different wage settlements.
As you can imagine: DB and GdL make an agreement, the other union, EVG, will announce another strike… Both, GdL and EVG are not willing to discuss on a common basis. Therefore, politicians have to act IMMIDIATELY.
No labour strike… DB made a concession to GdL. They agreed to have separate negotiations with both unions. How should they act then? If GdL will have an agreement with DB for ALL workers of DB, and then, EVG will act, as well? What then? New agreement required? New strikes, although an agreement was made? Our government has to ACT IMMIDIATELY… but unfortunately, they are in a deep hibernation. Maybe, they awake in May… MAYBE…
Today I found a quote of Renate Künast, a politician of the party of “Die Grünen”. She said, in german talkshow “Beckmann”, on August, 30th, 2010:
*Quote*: “Integration fängt damit an, dass Sie als Deutscher mal türkisch lernen!” */Quote*
Translation: “Integration starts with you, as a German, learning turkish.”
Come on, it can’t be true, that now, I am forced to learn Turkish for an “integration” of turkish people IN GERMANY. Who forces turkish people in Turkey to learn German, build churches, or even abandon islamic customs for a better integration of christians or german people in Turkey?
My understanding ends in it. At least, I am writing in English, so that everyone can understand, who is willing to understand me. I DON’T go any further than that.
Sehr gut, ja, so sieht es wohl aus… Aber unsere Politiker haben eine Phobie, wenn es darum geht, dass wir unsere Werte in unserem Land erhalten wollen. Dazu gehört die Sprache, die Sitten, die Feiertage, und so weiter. Ich glaube, dass viele der Einwanderer gar nicht fordern, dass wir beispielsweise auf den “Weihnachtsmarkt” verzichten müssten.
Süddeutsche wrote a comment today: Das Grundeinkommen ist verführerisch – und gefährlich [DE], translation: The basic income is tempting – and dangerous.
A comment that is replete of mistakes. First, if there is a basic income, everyone can decide whether he wants to go to work, or if he needs to (if he wants to maintain or improve his standard of living). Therefore, you can not say that this is bad. Then: If the basic income amounted to 1,000 euros, as are the 80 million citizens and not one trillion, but just the 800 billion tax income. Well, ok, if you take the administrative costs, let it be one trillion. What you have to take into account is the social spending that disappear then (incl. Administrative burden which is required nowadays) are representing a well at least as high reduction in expenses a the tax income is. The advantage of a minimum income is that everyone can take those private insurances with the money, which he perfers most. A responsible citizen should definitely be able to decide that by himself.
I wanted to take a short break, because I am tired of writing about refugees and so on, but what I read made me think (and does not deal with these topics)…
Oxfam, a NGO, reported that almost half of the world’s wealth is in the hands of 62 persons. These 62 persons are holding as much wealth as the 3.6 billion poorest people. Quite unsatisfying, if you aren’t amongst these 62… Former trends showed that there is going to be a 80:20-society. 20% of all of the world’s citizens are said to take an active part in world’s economy,80% are poor. These 20% are said to own 80% of the world’s wealth. This was a scenery, that was created by economists in the last millenium. Meanwhile, I think, this scenery came true.
Once, I commented that Islamic Religion now lives a time Christians had 600 years ago… The age of Cruzades… But there is a slight difference between these two happenings: Christian religion had its origin in Mesopotamia, the “holy land”. Islamists are only there to conquer the whole world without any connections to the region they enter. And that is why ISLAM IS NO PEACEFUL RELIGION.
Today, chairman of “Bundespolizei”, german federal police, rejected responsibility for the disaster of Cologne at New Year’s Eve. He mentioned, that he lacks of manpower, because most of the federal policemen were ordered to protect the borders. Yes, again, responsibility of Merkel… She rejected the offer of Horst Seehofer, that state policemen of Bavaria should help federal policemen to protect the border to Austria.
I wonder, what vote I should take the next election. In Bavaria, you could vote for CSU, because they are the only party that makes suggestions to solve this refugee crisis. Their brother party for the rest of Germany, Merkel’s CDU reject all of the offers, and doing nothing. Unfortunately, a vote for CSU in Bavaria is a vote for CDU in Germany.
Now, policemen denied the presentation of their chairmen, that the identity of these persons committing those acts are unclear. They reported, that investigations took place, and that most of the investigated persons were refugees coming from Syria. And they further reported that some have been arrested, and contradicted the reports of their own chairmen. And, most of these persons were out for rape, and not for robbery.
Learning more about this is not easy. German media most hold back this news. I found an article about it at “Welt online”: “Die meisten waren frisch eingereiste Asylbewerber” [DE], translation: Most of them were fresh immigrated Asylum seekers.
WTF? I cannot believe it, what Süddeutsche reported instead: Mehr Missbrauchsfälle bei den Domspatzen als bisher bekannt [DE], translation: More cases of abuse than previously known amongst Domspatzen”
I must admit, a very good example, what Pegida and AfD calls “Lügenpresse” (press of lies).
Today, I came back from my skiing holiday in Austria. Unfortunately, this skiing holiday was one without any skiing at all, due to less snow.
But what I heard from my hometown in New Year’s eve made my horror come true. Terrorism arrived in my hometown. A terror warning threatened two train stations in Munich. I don’t need any of it here in my own town. Go home.
Everyone, saying, that, amongst those refugees only a few individuals come to strike Germany with terrorist attacks makes me really angry. I say: Amongst those refugees, only a few individuals come, because they are persecuted or threatened by terror in their home countries.
I hope, that one day, those nasty white U.S: policemen will get what they deserve. Unfortunately, this day is not now. Again, acquittal… I lost words for that: Keine Anklage gegen Polizisten, der Zwölfjährigen erschoss [DE], Translation: No charges against police officer who shot twelve year old.
All I can say: JOIN THE STRUGGLE!!!
After German party AfD got rid of their founder Bernd Lucke, this party moved their attitude from “tolerable” to “not acceptable” right. This party had a lot of fund raising activities, e.g. selling gold to supporters.
Yet, another party, called “Die Partei” made a strange calling… Süddeutsche reported: Wie die AfD pleite gespendet werden soll [DE], translation: How AfD should be donated bankrupt.
It was an assumption, that amongst these refugees coming to Germany, there might be a couple of terrorists, as well. Yet, this assumption seems to come true. Focus reported: Paris-Attentäter als Flüchtling in Bayern registriert? BKA geht Hinweis nach [DE], translation: Paris-suicide-bombers registered as refugee in Bavaria? BKA investigates.
I hope that some day, those gooders, never assuming someone could ever act bad, learn, that not all of these people coming to Germany need help, and that not all of them come in peace. But fools never learn…
Today, on Süddeutsche, the denial… Innenministerium: Paris-Attentäter doch nicht in Bayern als Flüchtling registriert [DE], translation: Interior Ministry : Paris – Suicide bomber but not registered in Bavaria as a refugee.
Fail of Interior Minister of Bavaria.
Well, actually, police is said to be blind “with their right eye” [maybe, this is a German idiom, that doesn’t really exist in English; it means: Police only focus on crime amongst political left wing parties].
Süddeutsche reported on a case that proofs that fact: Staatstheater übertönt AfD mit Beethoven – Polizei erstattet Anzeige [DE], translation: Staatstheater drowned AfD with Beethoven – Police filed charges.
Yet, another story: Lehrer zu Schadenersatz verurteilt, weil er Hakenkreuze übersprayte [DE], translation: Teacher condemned because of painting over swastikas.
I have to mention, what actually I posted under “Sports and events”-section, but yet, this topic has taken a dimension, which causes to take a closer look under that chapter of my blog.
Süddeutsche reported today: Terroranschlag in Hannover offenbar nur knapp vereitelt [DE], translation: Terrorist attack in Hannover apparently defeated narrowly.
Because of that, I have to thank all our intelligence, that this did not happen. I hope, that anyone recognizes now, that this “IS” means a security issue for the entire world. Those, who still say, that Islam is a peaceful religion have not quite understood the seriousness of this situation.
Wow, what a decision of the prosecutor:
Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung: Mutmaßlicher Diebstahl – “Der Beschuldigte ist Ausländer” [DE]: translation: alleged theft – “The accused is a foreigner”.
Oh, god, please throw brain out of heaven, or at least stones… Whatever… As long as you hit this guy… I could not believe, what i heard in “Heute” (news magazine of German TV station “ZDF”).
Martin Schäfer, spokesman of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, German Secretary of State, said, concerning German tank delivery to Qatar:
Translation (in my words): “A tank like this is not like a fridge, where you can simply plug in, and the fridge runs. But these are highly differentialized products, that require an optimalized interaction between human being and machines.”
Source: Panzer nach Katar – Bundesregierung verteidigt Lieferung [DE], translation: Tanks to Qatar – Government justifies delivery.
Original video sequence of that speech at ZDF-Mediathek: Berlin Direkt vom 25.10.2016 [DE], Starting at “18:00”.
Data retention is now allowed, according to a law, that legislative of Germany made today. I see that with two different eyes: On one hand, it is necessary to investigate against criminals, whose number and intensity gets bigger and bigger, on the other hand it is a huge invasion of privacy. But anyone, who shares something online must be aware, that his data is no longer private. Privacy and public are blurring more and more.
A balance sheet posted at SZ online showed, that Baden-Württemberg really does not at all accept as many refugees as they are supposed to do, after “Königssteiner Schlüssel”. Source: SZ online: Flüchtlinge – Lasten und Listen [DE], translation: refugees – loads and lists.
Dear citizens of Baden-Württemberg, that is not the way it works… A government runned by the party “die Grünen”, the party that strictly refuses any sanctions against refugees coming to Germany.
Now, I must admit, I understand CSU that they want to force a strict line against this crisis. But yet, our chancelloress Merkel does nothing against it. I support CSU to bring the federal government to Supreme Court.
European Supreme Court made a decision concerning data of European citizens in the USA. Data in the USA are no more “sure by definition” (“safe harbor treaty”). Good decision, because NSA and other secret services showed, that this “sure by definition” does not match reality. Every citizen has got the right of protection of personal data, according to “EU civil rights carta”.
Read more about it at Süddeutsche: Max Schrems vs. Facebook – Ein sensationelles Urteil [DE], translation: Max Schrems vs. Facebook – a sensational court decision.
Everybody agrees, that something has to happen in case of refugees coming to Germany. But what ever one political party suggests, the other party is rejecting. So, nothing will ever happen. But I guess, that’s politics… :-(.
EU now launched investigations against 19 (!!!) member countries, e.g. Germany, France, Italy and Hungary because of the refugee crisis. All in all, 40 cases of possible law breaking are about to be investigated. At least, someone now deals with that problem. But in my eyes a very dangerous situation to name Germany amongst those, not willing to accept any refugees at all (e.g. England, Hungary etc.). We do more than we need to help those. And more than we should, hence there are many homeless and poor Germans, that no one really cares about.
Today, the news occured, that EuGH (European Supreme Court) judged about German Hartz IV. The court decision was quite reasonable: They said that Germany does not need to pay Hartz IV to foreign EU citizens. After six months, they can cancel payment. Works well for me. In my eyes, otherwise, a lot of ecomomic refugees would come to Germany, even more than now… Yet, the incentive is removed to start moving to Germany… *THUMBS UP*. If our politicians now start understanding, that our payment to refugees does not solve the problem itself, but even makes it worse, then, a lot would have been won. But I guess, they never will…
Now, politicians of “Grüne” said, that they dislike that decision. If anyone came to Germany to look for help, then you should not refuse to help him… Well, dear Grüne… Why doesn’t anyone help me? I paid in all social insurances, and don’t get ANY money out of it… So f**k off… Sometimes, you need to mention the quote of young Mehmet Scholl, being asked about his political attitude. I don’t quote that one here… It might be a crime to do that… Nevertheless, I feel like it sometimes…
Yesterday, a court stopped labor strike of pilot’s labor union, called “Cockpit”. The court said, that the strike was illegal, because cockpit forced things, that did not match collective bargaining. Nice decision. *THUMBS UP*.
Today, I read an interesting article… A comparison between the current refugee crisis and migration to the United States within 17th and 18th, or even 19th century. The author mentions, that the U.S. could easily handle those refugees coming to America in these centuries so that we should be able to do that, as well. But what was not mentioned in this article: The original residents of Northern America NOW LIVE IN RESERVATION CAMPS!!! Food for thought…
Again, a topic about the refugee crisis: Katrin Göring-Eckardt, a politician from German party “die Grünen” strongly recommends, that private persons should host refugees at their homes. All in all, no bad idea, at all. But what annoys me is the fact, that politicians want to bring others to do things, that they would never do for themselves. My suggestion to Ms. Göring-Eckart: please host two or three refugees first, before making advices to others to do this. Preaching water and drinking wine for one’s self does not fit at all. Especially, if you are the daughter of a priest…
Tagesschau, Germany’s most famous TV news show usually lasts 15 minutes. Today, it was two minutes longer. But 14 minutes focused on the current refugee crisis. Pretty tough… Then, the last three minutes consisted of one minute of weather forecast, one minute about IS destroying ancient temples and one minute of Obama, about… whatever…
I could hardly believe, what I just saw… While zepping around through german TV stations, a commercial spot of German “Arbeitsagentur” (employment agency) was shown. Wow, now I wonder… I can’t get any claims for social aid, because of my financial situation, but instead, they are able to spend money for commercials… That’s German bureaucracy… :-(. Now, I am starting to understand people running berserk… This corrupt, inefficient, unjust bureaucracy really drives you mad…
Freedom of speech has got a high value of modern society… Unfortunately, several countries do not really appreciate that. Some never did, some now do not any more. Russia now has condemned a movie director from Ukraine to 20 years of criminal bearing. Anyway, usually, the Ukraine would be in charge of bringing him to court, because the committed crime was in the Ukraine, and he is a ukrainian citizen. Now, nevertheless, Russia removed a political critic, once again… Maybe, one day, I will be judged in Russia, as well, for my critical comments… 🙁
Another sad topic… Right wing extremists. Heidenau, a small city in Saxony, eastern Germany, became a cruel example for xenophobia. These racist fools attacked refugees and prevented them to move in their new camp. Their argument: Money would lack for pensioners, families and unemployed persons. When political decisions were made, they showed no protest:
1) in 2003: Installation of Hartz-IV-laws: NO REACTION…
2) in 2007: 30 billion Euro for Bank Rescue: NO REACTION…
3) in 2010: no raise of penions: NO REACTION…
and now: 250 refugees who should live in their town: A foolish hord of racists say: money would lack for pensioners, families and unemployed people…
What kind of double standards… I feel quite ashamed…
Another poor fact: These riots take place in states of Germany, where the quota of foreigners is very low compared to the average of Germany.
Now, after Sigmar Gabriel from SPD visited that location, his party was attacked from racists… Bomb threat at their seat in Berlin. What kind of democracy is this? Please hunt these racists, and bring them to justice. I want to live in a land of harmony, not in a land of social riots. Unfortunately, we need police and state security to protect us from these idiots. If they argue, that they want democracy, real democracy, I have to tell them: FIRST, OBEY THE LAW, THEN THINK OF DEMOCRACY. Attacking racists and our own government is NO DEMOCRACY AT ALL.
Again: Terrorists of IS have blown-up an ancient temple in Palmyra, Syria. Yet, again: Islam is NOT a peaceful religion. As Bush mentioned correctly: “We make no distiction between these, who committed these acts, and those, who hord with them!”… That’s what I think, too.
I don’t have many readers of that Blog, I don’t mind… At least, I am sure, that one is reading my comments: NSA… Today, a news went out, that American telecommunication giant AT&T and NSA were partners… AT&T delivered lots of data from Mails and phone calls (billions of them each day) to the spys of NSA… Of course, no American Citizen was spyed out… only foreigners… Even United Nations, a large AT&T client…
Now, very interesting, reading my Blog, isn’t it, dear NSA???
Today’s news gave me the feeling of being unsecure in my life, wherever I go. In Germany, three threats today made me think that way.
First incident: An idiot shot at the team bus of Hertha BSC in Bielefeld. Really shot at it… Why? I had a discussion, if that person is amongst the supporters of the opponent of Herthas cup games opponent Arminia Bielefeld. Of course, no one can say for sure, unless they found that guy.
Second incident: A 32-year-old man pointed out non smoking in Munich local trains, and therefore he was hit and injured… Just for pointing out…
Third incident: A woman was shot right on the street in a small village in the district of Niederbayern. A 62-year-old-man was caught and convicted, but no details occured at that point.
I thought, I am living in a modern age society, in a moderate country, but, in my eyes, that sounds more like living in a country with civil war, or dictatorship. It makes me feel unprotected, I am not able to go out and feel secure any more… Right in Germany. Call me paranoid, whatever…
I had several discussions: People are not able to keep social rules, laws, and so on, any more. They really lack of authority. They have not had a proper education. They live under bad social conditions, media makes them aggressive, they let oneself go… and so on… Not my world any more… 🙁
Forth incident: Cup match of VfL Osnabrück suspended after referee hit and injured by a lighter out of Osnabrück supporters’ area. (usually mentioned in Sports and Event section).
Four incidents within one single day.
Democracy is a very good instrument, if it works correctly. But, what Kauder, chairman of his party in Bundestag, now stated, was a severe strike against modern democracy. He said, that those, who voted against financial aid for Greece are not able to be in commitees in charge of deciding things on a financial basis. The quote itself: “Diejenigen, die mit Nein gestimmt haben, können nicht in Ausschüssen bleiben, in denen es darauf ankommt, die Mehrheit zu behalten: etwa im Haushalts- oder Europaausschuss” [DE]. That shows, what CDU politicians think of democracy. I wonder, no, I think, that all other parties really think the same, but, at least, they are not so foolish to admit it.
No news at all… The opening of Berlin Airport BER is about to be postponed. The reason for this postpone is a bankruptcy of the leading electronic enterprise. Yes, those in charge for installing fire protection equipment.
I don’t like to comment presidential run of Donald Trump… What a clown… A self-loving, arrogant person with radical points of view… Quite suitable for a presidency. No, I don’t like the U.S. any more…
Prosecution have started investigations against a news agency called “Netzpolitik.org”, because they were convicted of treason. The outcry was great… They criticized the prosecution, that they want to undermine press freedom… Now, attorney general Range was fired because of that affair.
Netzpolitik.org now wants clear investigations, who is responsible for this investigation. They say, that Range, the attorney general was the right one to be fired, but not only the one, who was in charge for this.
Politicians now have got a new “Bauernopfer” for a case, they cannot handle. Investigations against secret services spying several politicians were not really started, although the reason was given to start them, but the first media to deal with that were convicted of treason… What a nice politics…
Deutsche Bahn now announced that they cannot guarantee, that they can keep all their staff because of their loss in gain. Now, Spoiler: What caused the loss in gain? Of course, the growing competion by bus enterprises… but not only… The long-lasting labour strikes caused the loss in gain, as well. Now, GdL has achieved their goal. Please fire the most-willing-to-strike people first. Thank you.
I don’t write the reason for this comment, because I might be blamed for something I am not willing to be blamed for.
Social security system is a quite good institution. It prevents people who got into serious trouble from ruin. But it requires that everybody has to pay for the system, in order to get money in case of trouble. Getting money out of it without having paid any Cent in that system should not be possible. Like any insurance, for example. You say: It’s always like that. No, it is not. 🙁
Now, it is about on you, to guess, what I want to say…
A few minutes ago I lauched a comment on a student, who brought another kid to court for his “childish” behavior to pull away his chair (c.f. “general topics”-section).
Now, I comment on another childish behavior… The behavior of Turks starting to hunt Kurds again. How childish to terminate peace with Kurds, after the peace process was on a quite good way. With the excuse of hunting criminals, a whole tribe is persecuted again. I hope that the Turks will be outlawed for this behavior by international community.
Not many things were written the last days, because it is kind of “Sommerloch” right now. But what happened in the case NSU (Beate Tzschäpe) is worth mentioning.
Beate Zschäpe accused her lawyers, because they did not keep confidentiality. By the way… this case runs from Nov. 8th, 2011 till now… It is her case… She only plays on time. I hope, that judges start to get angry with her ASAP. She is fooling the court for almost four years now… The crimes she convicted with her friends were much faster. There, she was not so squeamish. Send her to prison for a lifetime NOW…
I have not written much about “Grexit”, if I have written anything about it, at all… A slovenly joke about Greece says: “For years, we believed, that Ouzo at a greek restaurant would be free. But now, we get the bill for it: EUR zyx,000,000,000.–” :-D.
Ok, hard stuff, that Greece now asks their people, wether to stay at the Euro zone, or not… In my opinion a very close decision. That, of course, does not make it easy for politicians of other European countries. In my eyes, the whole matter is a farce. Banks, like Lehman brothers, with a far much higher debt, dropped… But world goes on… But, on the other hand: What about Greece itself? What happens after a “Grexit”? Will they be able to install a new social system? I have never had a hyper-inflation in my life, but our ancestors made the experience. They re-built a financial system. Maybe, that is the only chance for Greece now.
Not quite confirmed yet, but news is mounting that greece people voted against the demands of their creditors. Hard stuff… Greek government have now achieved their goals. But: what then? Now, they are so bold, to say, that they want to negotiate again with their creditors. WTF? In my point of view, I would never lend them any money again. Not a single Cent, until they have paid back ALL what I already lent them.
But yet, we still pay for the luxury of Greek people, and probably will do that again, as if nothing has happened. I ask myself: WHY? Dear European politicians: Please awake from your deep sleep and stop supporting Greece. Spend that money for YOUR OWN PEOPLE instead!!!! Thank you!
According to a newsticker, Greek people is seperated between generations: The older people voted “YES”, the younger “NO”. Poor thing, that this is democracy, that young people, both lacking in education and responsibility, can decide on such an important question. Maybe, it had a reason, that, in former times, you could only vote at the age of 21.
A German politician of party “Die Grünen”, Reinhard Bütikofer, now demands a debt relief for Greece… That is all, Tsipras wants now… How dumb can a politician be? Maybe I should quote young Mehmet Scholl on that…
A very much discussed topic, a useful thing in my opinion, basic income, is now about to be tested in Finland. The advantages of a basic income, that everyone gets, are:
1) No further social benefits are needed (e.g. unemployment benefits).
If everyone gets a basic income from the state, no other social benefits, no individual treatment is required. This basic income should be high enough for everyone to survive. If someone wants to live a luxury life, then, one might get some work to earn more money. Higher education standard earns more money, as it was before.
2) Everyone can decide, what insurances one might need according to his personal requirements.
Insurances of all kinds should be voluntarily. Everyone should insure himself the way he thinks is most suitable for him. For example, one working in a high-risk job must insure himself against disability.
3) Far less bureaucracy is required.
Social security offices can be closed, because everyone gets basic income, unconditionalized. No examination is required any more.
All in all, I can only see advantages… The one, who wants to live a lazy way of life, can survive from that without any luxury, one who wants luxury requires to get a job to match his personal needs.
A highlight from Bavarian state government. The political party of CSU, always a supporter of nuclear power, now refuses to accept, that a atomic interim storage should be installed in Bavaria. Bavaria, itself Germany’s largest user of nuclear power and therefore largest producer of nuclear waste doesn’t want to have their own product stored in their country.
It is easy to say, that nuclear power is the most efficient way to produce energy, dear CSU, as long as you don’t mention the costs for the disposal of that waste. Absolutely ridiculous what you do there, CSU. Unfortunately, this party still has got a large majority in Bavaria. Again, it confirms my opinion, that politicians can’t think in a reasonable way. Maybe, some day, I find one who can… But that day has not yet come.
German car toll is stopped because of concerns of European Commission. They say, that german model prefers Germans… Of course, German minister of traffic was not the wisest one to mention, that, for German citizens nothing would change. But yet, I wonder… Many states with car toll, like Austria, Switzerland, Italy and many more have a far less tax load for their citizens. The status quo in Germany is, that ONLY GERMANS finance the streets with car tax and mineral oil tax. In other european countries, everybody pays for it, because of car tolls for everyone… And: less tax load than in Germany for their own citizens.
Therefore, I cannot quite get the point of worries of European Commission for Germany to lower their car taxes. Every country raising car toll does it that way… for quite a long time…
But, as always, I doubt, that politicians ever think in a quite understandable, comprehensible way… They never will… 🙁
Hackers attacked german Bundestag. Recent news stated, that chancellor Merkel’s computer was infected, too. This attack seemed to be a professional one. Conjectures say, that, maybe, this attack was committed by a foreign security service. Maybe Russia, maybe China… These countries really are a severe threat for global peace.
Otherwise, if criminals committed this act, then our government really has a severe security problem. They need to take better care of their system, because these data really are case sensitive…
This blog showed some foreign activitiy, too, but as it seems, the attack could be repelled.
These criminals really need to be persecuted… and… executed… Why? Because they work under the anonymity of the Internet to harm others.
It is not quite certain yet, but most likely, that there are two relatives of former presidents to be elected as next president of the United States of America. Jeb Bush would be the third (!!!) president out of his family, and Hillary Clinton is the wife of former president William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton. I wonder, what politics that is, that relatives get such a high position, as well. It is like in Medieval times…
What an interesting comparison a German NGO made a couple of days ago, concerning G7 summit:
– Costs for project “Mare Nostrum” (to save refugees from Africa): EUR 110,000,000 (per year)
– Costs for G7 summit 2015: EUR 300,000,000 (for two days).
Yet, you have to mention, that “Mare Nostrum” is said to be too expensive… WTF???
Angela Merkel has got a Ph.D.-degree. That states, she is able to think… At least she should be able to. But her announcement made me think from her differently. She told, that she needed permission from US secret service FBI to be able to pass documents from german secret service BND to committee of inquiry. WTF? Why does a GERMAN chancellor need the permission of US secret service to pass documents to GERMAN committee of inquiry? Strange… Maybe, our “mother of our nation” thinks, we aren’t able to think of our own…
At the moment, the biggest labour strike in history of Deutsche Bahn is held. My lovely “friends” from labour union GdL are on strike again. They want to strike a whole week. But Deutsche Bahn announced, that more trains than expected are running. Fortunately, it seems like the workers of GdL get tired of striking all the time. No one thinking clearly can ever understand, that GdL refuses to accept a strike mediation. Those of you, thinking clearly, understand, that GdL doesn’t want to make an agreement on both sides, but only to force its own will. Like a toddler. I think, their chairman, Weselsky really is one. And blames on Deutsche Bahn to play for time.
Once more… Another labour strike from GdL, now finished… But that doesn’t mean, everything working well… Yet, the other union, EVG, announced a labour strike. We are still waiting for politicians to act in a sense that works well. Please change the law IMMIDIATELY.
By the way, I think I should go on strike. But I am still looking for a reason… 😀 .
Today, investigations prevented us from a terroristic act in Frankfurt/Main. A couple bought large amounts of hydrogen peroxide and spirit. That made them suspicious. Investigating their appartment, police found a bomb. Prosecution is about to give a press conference. Now they are investigating the background of this planned terroristic act. To my opinion, another planned act of radical muslims.
And: to all of you, who don’t see any need for personal investigation: Again: If everyone would keep law and order, no investigation would be necessary. But more and more don’t keep it, and so, more and more control is required.
I have to make an amendment to this comment. Control is necessary to prevent us from terroristic acts. But what makes me think is, that these collected data were passed from secret services to companies of “national interest”, i.e. Google, Facebook, and so on. If these data were just used for preventing crime, everything would work well. But NSA passes this data to these enterprises, that track commercial interests. They want to get a personal profile of us, so that we can be delivered with personalized adverts. I cannot even stop personalized advertising, because these data are collected anyway.
In an earlier comment [read], I already talked about the issue of BND passing data to NSA. Yet, politicians are not even willing to do anything agaist it, but they track the idea of following these commercial interests, as well. Perhaps, their income is less than the money they get to be bribed by these enterprises.
Again, an NSA discussion. German politicians have apparently been informed about NSA activities. But they denied at an inquiry of opposition, that they knew. In fact a LIE. De Maizière, german home secretary, stated in an interview, that he cannot say anything, because the documents are secret or strictly secret. But at the commitee of inquiry he now has to answer uncomfortable questions. Honour and truth are foreign words for politicians. Poor thing…
Today, a court decision is about to be spoken. A young German-Turk is said to support a criminal organisation. The prosecution requested three years in juvenile detention, the defense two years probation. Their argument for probation is quite interesting: They say: “Those, who seriously believe in 72 virgins can’t be grown-up, and therefore, can’t be judged by adult penalty.” – Quite good, that one… That states, that ALL radical islamics aren’t grown up. Good to know. 🙂
Another sad case that came to public two days ago: Investigations showed, that U.S. secret service, F.B.I. made mistakes in investigations of hair analysis that falsely caused the death of more than 30 prisoners. Death penalty opponents’ fear came true in a quite horrific way. I am pro death penalty, but for that, I lack of words. Those responsible for that case should be sent to death, as well.
Learn more: Tagesschau quote: Die tödlichen Fehler des FBI [DE]; Translation: “Deathly mistakes of FBI”.
Süddeutsche Zeitung reported a quite shocking article today: 100 Prozent der befragten Frauen in Paris berichten von sexueller Belästigung [DE]; Translation: “100 percent of the women surveyed in Paris report of sexual harassment”.
100 percent? WTF… Now, I know that the number of criminals amongst society is no longer a small proportion not worth mentioning, but yet an upcoming problem of society that must not be ignored. Therefore, controls are necessary. Sad, but true.
The question is: what the definition of “sexual harassment” is… Maybe, some of these women felt sexually harassed, if a man took a closer look on her… I would never blandish sexual harassment, but a closer definition, what that exactly is, is required to take such a survey.
“Tagesschau” reported, that researches of a consortium of “NDR”, “WDR” and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” investigated large violations of human rights that world bank committed while supporting large projects. Many people lost their homes because world bank enabled large building projects that required building plot in 3rd world countries. Incredible… I hope, that Germany, one of the largest donators of money for world bank will force a stricter law to prohibit forced resettlements.
I live in a suburb of Munich, that has a small residential density. Yet, Munich grows and grows. Our suburb changes a lot. Many single-family homes are demolished, and semi-detached houses or even more are built on that ground instead. In 2030, they say, Munich will have more than 1.7 million residents. I wonder, if that is necessary… Why does everyone want to live in Munich, instead of the surrounding (which starts not more than 500m footway away from my home)? Maybe, some more local communities should join Munich…
When my grandmother was born, the house, I now live in, was not a part of Munich itself. It was part of Trudering. Trudering joined Munich in 1932.
Difficult, because everyone wants to live in Munich, and no one wants to pay the prices of properties of Munich.
Not very often, that a news is positive, but this one is: After more than fifty years of cold war presidents of Cuba and the United States talked with each other, and took a handshake. A small but hopeful gesture. You know, I want a peaceful world, with no crime… This is a sign, that a step towards that is made. Political approach of these two hostile countries. I hope, that this way will be followed. I LIKE !!!!
Now, again, a case, that really worries me: Tröglitz, a small town in Eastern Germany. The mayor had to retire, because racists threatened him. He wanted a refugee-camp in his town. Right-wing parties made a lot of protests, and these were not peaceful at all… The mayor’s family received death threats. What a living “democracy”… I hope, that this time, NPD, a political right-wing party, will be prohibited. Poor “democracy” that more and more supporters join these parties. But, on the other hand, a sign, that the real democratic parties failed in their poltics. Government is sleeping, was sleeping, and will be sleeping… 🙁
A few days old, but still a heavy topic in newspapers: A video showing the killing, or let me say: the assassination of a black criminal running away from a police officer. About six shots were fired at the black person, who was unarmed. Not the first unarmed black person, that was killed by a white officer… The punishments, all in all, were quite soft, if they even got punished at all.
They say, that racism ended, but I see that in a different light. I hope that this time, a example will be statuated, and this officer will be sent to death. He even tried to cover his murder. He dropped the teaser near the dead body and wrote in his report, that he acted in self-defence, because the black guy took the teaser from him… Not the only lie he stated. But fortunately, everything was filmed on a mobile phone video, so that the truth came out. If the video wasn’t made, no one would ever recognize the lies and the murder the policeman committed. SEND HIM TO DEATH !!!
An assassination was convicted at a University in Kenya… Islamic terrorists killed more than 100 christian students. I still hear islamic people say: “We’re a peaceful religion!”… Of course you are… F**k off!!!
After a long term of not posting in this branch, something new… German Bundeswehr has got severe problems concerning precision of their leading gun (G36 by Heckler und Koch). They made tests showing that the precision of that gun doesn’t match requirements. While getting hot, it is not precise enough…
Today, I heard incredible news: The precision was cancelled out of the requirements the guns had during the announcement for companies… Therefore, a damage claim cannot be made. Oh god, why is there no precision required for a gun? Should it only make some noise while firing a shot? Ok, someone might say: for German Bundeswehr, it is good enough, hence they are only a drinking club. But their job is to defend… with guns that need not be precise. Nice job, dear politicians…
Democracy has got a high value in society and should be installed everywhere. But what happens now in Frankfurt is NOT democracy AT ALL. Riots of authonomic “Blockupy” movement because of new ECB (European Central Bank). Police cars were set on fire, policemen were injured… What theses fools do is NOT democracy but stupid crime. I hope that police treats them as hard as they need it… Very hard punishment is required.
Protests are part of democracy, but riots AREN’T. They want to have social freedom and want to achieve that goal through committing riots? These stupid idiots.
Quite strange, the demands of Greece’s minister of finance, Yanis Varoufakis: He wants Germany to pay reparations for german war crimes during WWII… SPOILER: What did I personally commit so that I have to pay reparations? But Greece lend money from European countries. Now, they don’t want to pay back their money. Maybe, Greece’s government should show, how they save money, instead of demanding ridiculous payments from German people. Taking money is easy, paying back the depts is not quite that easy… But I ask myself, why we passed money to Greece anyway. Makes me quite angry…
Because he is a politician, I post this comment in the political chapter. Sebastian Edathy is not convicted after admitting a real crime, that should be punished to my point of view. How come, that a tax evader is punished with a very long imprisonment, and a child pornographer can be a free man, after paying 5,000 Euro? Poor german rule of law. Very poor…
New development in case Edathy. He should spend his 5,000 Euro to “Kinderschutzbund”. But that NGO refused to accept the money from him. They don’t want to give the impression, that it is possible to buy oneself free from crimes convicted against children. They advised the court to find another solution. What an honorable decision not to take the money. That deserves my deep respect.
According to Bundestagspräsident Lammert, imams in Germany should speak German. I think a good decision. It is part of OUR culture to speak German in common places.
Bremen… a town very far from Munich, but what happened today really made me frighten. Islamic terrorists were hunted by police. The investigations led to an arrest of one person, as told by police. Terrorists, first fighting in Arab countries for “IS”, returning to Germany, willing to kill other people. That gives me a feeling of insecurity in my own country. I am no racist at all, but people telling me, that Islam was a peaceful religion, makes me feel like answering them: “…as peaceful as christians were during crusades.”. What islamic people now do is like christians did during crusades some 600 years ago. Unfortunately, islamic people can use modern age technology to terrorize us.
I hope, that our people is aware of what happens to our society. And, I hope that police and civil guards can give back the feeling of security to me, again. But at the moment, they can’t.
Oh, yes, it is political… The murder of Kreml-critic Nemzov. Best quote delivered a passerby in German ARD. “Although it was not Putin, who committed this murder, the responsible can be found in Kreml.”. Putin, hypocritical as aways, assured rapid resolution of that case… In fact, nothing is going to happen, of course. What should happen? Should he punish himself for hiring a killer for Nemzov? Nemzov is not the first, and won’t be the last Kreml-critic dying a murder in Russia. Unfortunately, russian people don’t see the dictatorship in which they live in.
I really fear Russia to become like Germany before WW2. Tendency already shows similarities… Poor thing, that russian people seem like they haven’t learned from history.
Again a current threat of NSA… Hacking SIM-Cards in favor for “National Security”. WTF? Why am I a risk for U.S. national security? Dear NSA… I am sure, you read what I am writing here. Could you tell me, why? What did I do wrong? Please hunt criminals, not innocent people.
A neverending story: Finances of Greece. Nice try, the trial to get money without any quid pro quo’s. In Greece, pension age is at the same level like Germany, at the age of 65 (source of information: T-Online [de]), but the real average is less than ours. But that’s not the only problem: the fact that Greece spent billions of Euro to dead people made situation even worse. Sources differ in the fact, how much: Spiegel mentions 5 billion, Krone (austrian newspaper) 8 billion.
Greece’s new government should stop trying to fool european union. EU spent lots of money for greece’s corrupt, bancrupt financial system. At first glance, I thought positive about the new government, but now, I fear, they do nothing except of trying to get money without having any commitments.
New statistics: 12.5 Mio people in Germany are poor by definition. That equals a quota of 15.5%. Quite a lot of people. According to the definition of “Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband” you are poor, if your income is less than 892 Eur, if you live in a single-person household. Bavaria made it to the top position: “only” 11.3% are poor by definition. Yet, still a lot of people. Nevertheless, we spend a lot of money for people who dream of a better life, instead of spending money to OUR people. Poor politcs…
Russian seperatists conquered Debaltseve. What a nice success within a cease-fire. It is hard to make the comparison, but what Putin does, has got similarities to what Hitler did, before WW2. Conquering a sovereign state, because citizens of his country live there.
Not again: Labor strike at “Deutsche Bahn”. The labor union of train drivers (GdL) announced labor strikes with a duration of 100 hours (more than four days).
Now, I strongly ask politicians to act. PLEASE change the tariff act, so that it is not possible any more, that two unions are able to force one single company in two different negotiations to two different wage settlements.
As you can imagine: DB and GdL make an agreement, the other union, EVG, will announce another strike… Both, GdL and EVG are not willing to discuss on a common basis. Therefore, politicians have to act IMMIDIATELY.
No labour strike… DB made a concession to GdL. They agreed to have separate negotiations with both unions. How should they act then? If GdL will have an agreement with DB for ALL workers of DB, and then, EVG will act, as well? What then? New agreement required? New strikes, although an agreement was made? Our government has to ACT IMMIDIATELY… but unfortunately, they are in a deep hibernation. Maybe, they awake in May… MAYBE…
Today I found a quote of Renate Künast, a politician of the party of “Die Grünen”. She said, in german talkshow “Beckmann”, on August, 30th, 2010:
*Quote*: “Integration fängt damit an, dass Sie als Deutscher mal türkisch lernen!” */Quote*
Translation: “Integration starts with you, as a German, learning turkish.”
Come on, it can’t be true, that now, I am forced to learn Turkish for an “integration” of turkish people IN GERMANY. Who forces turkish people in Turkey to learn German, build churches, or even abandon islamic customs for a better integration of christians or german people in Turkey?
My understanding ends in it. At least, I am writing in English, so that everyone can understand, who is willing to understand me. I DON’T go any further than that.
Dann wandere ich aus:
http://www.hohle-erde.de/body_smoky1.html [de]
Kannst du mir da einen kurzen Excerpt geben, worüber diese Seite genau handelt? Das ist ja ziemlich viel Holz…
Deutsch ist doch gar nicht schwer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Pf7Lycm2E [de]
Sehr gut, ja, so sieht es wohl aus… Aber unsere Politiker haben eine Phobie, wenn es darum geht, dass wir unsere Werte in unserem Land erhalten wollen. Dazu gehört die Sprache, die Sitten, die Feiertage, und so weiter. Ich glaube, dass viele der Einwanderer gar nicht fordern, dass wir beispielsweise auf den “Weihnachtsmarkt” verzichten müssten.