
Tassilo S. Schweiger
Fährtwegl 4
D-81827 München

Phone: +49 89 442 50 334
Fax: +49 89 638 57 058

Supplier in sense of §5 sec. 1, §6 sec. 2 Telemediengesetz (TMG)
Mr. Tassilo S. Schweiger

Responsible in sense of §7 TMG
Mr. Tassilo S. Schweiger

Copyright: Copyright and all further rights for this blog reserved by Tassilo S. Schweiger, if not mentioned extraordinaryly. Copying, even in excerpts, for educational, scientific, social or private reasons is prohibited.

Liability: This blog is made only for personal purposes and does not follow any commercial sense. Its content was composed with care. But the supplier does not grant any warranty, neither particularly nor implicit, for the way and correctness of the offered content and does not take any liability (including liability for indirect loss in gain or turnover) referring to material or its usage.

Links to external pages: Sites of this blog contain referances (Links) to pages on servers, which are not under control and responsibility of the supplier. For that reason, he does not grant any responsibility or liability for these informations and does not justify or support them even in their contents (c.f. §7, sec. 2 TMG).

Rules of blog: This is a moderated blog. Comments must be manually approved. Entries may be deleted without notification if following rules are broken:

  • Comments are only allowed either in English or in German.
  • Comments must not have sexual, racial or political offending content.
  • This site uses a spam prevention. No spam or advertizing is allowed.

!!! NOTE !!! This blog is written in English. If comments contain links, that refer to another language, please add ISO language code behind the link. For German, e.g. “[de]”.

!!! NOTE !!! These pages are constructed and located in Germany and therefore, this imprint refers to German law (cf. §3 sec. 1 TMG).